The Pink Panther is an American animated television series starring the Pink Panther and his co-stars from the original cartoon shorts in a series of brand new stories. The program was a production of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Animation. It was distributed by Claster Television and King World Productions and not MGM Television, despite MGM owning The Pink Panther. Unlike other animated series featuring the Pink Panther, this is the only series where he and the Little Man speak numerous lines. Prior to this series, the Panther had only briefly spoken in two cartoons in the 1960s.
The Pink Panther was nominated for a Daytime Emmy Award in 1994 for Outstanding Achievement in Music Direction and Composition. As of January 2023, all 60 episodes are available to watch on Pluto TV under the title The New Pink Panther Show and they can all be watched for free on YouTube. The series can also be watched on Freevee, along with multiple other Pink Panther shows.